What Is Somatic Therapy

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Did you know that 70% of adults in the United States have faced some form of trauma? This statistic highlights the urgent need for therapies that address the mind and body's impact from trauma. Somatic therapy emerges as a holistic solution, acknowledging the deep connection between physical and mental health.

Somatic therapy is a transformative practice that empowers you to understand the link between your thoughts, emotions, and physical experiences. By focusing on the body, it unlocks deep insights and relieves mental health issues and physical symptoms.

Key Takeaways About Somatic Therapy

  • Somatic therapy recognizes the deep connection between the mind and body, treating them as integrated systems.

  • This approach helps you process and release stored trauma, leading to improved emotional regulation and overall well-being.

  • Somatic practices, such as body scanning and breathwork, can enhance self-awareness and cultivate a greater sense of embodiment.

  • Somatic therapy is effective in addressing a variety of mental health concerns, including anxiety, depression, and PTSD.

  • By integrating somatic techniques into your daily life, you can deepen your mind-body connection and promote holistic healing.

Well Roots Counseling is an online therapy practice that provides online therapy for individual therapy, maternal mental health and couples therapy in Colorado, Massachusetts, North Carolina, and Vermont. We specifically specialize in therapy for women, therapy for dads, anxiety symptoms, infertility, postpartum depression, trauma, and much more.

What is Somatic Therapy?

Somatic therapy is a unique healing approach that highlights the deep bond between your mind and body. It moves beyond traditional talk therapy by focusing on physical sensations and bodily experiences tied to emotional and psychological traumas.

Connecting Mind and Body

This therapy is rooted in the belief that our thoughts, feelings, and memories are not just mental constructs. They are also deeply embedded in our physical bodies. Somatic practitioners help individuals tap into their body's signals and sensations. This process uncovers and releases unresolved issues, which may manifest as physical symptoms, emotional distress, or a sense of disconnection.

Recognizing the Role of Trauma

Trauma, whether from a single event or accumulated over time, significantly impacts both the mind and body. Somatic therapy acknowledges how traumatic experiences can become trapped in the body. This can lead to physical and emotional responses, such as PTSD, chronic pain, or difficulty regulating emotional responses. By addressing the somatic therapy aspects of trauma, individuals can start healing at a deep, integrative level.

At the heart of somatic therapy lies the belief in the necessity of mind, body, and spirit harmony for true healing and growth. This holistic approach enables individuals to reconnect with their physical selves. It fosters greater self-awareness, emotional resilience, and a renewed sense of mind-body connection.

Principles of Somatic Therapy

Somatic therapy is rooted in the mind-body connection. It acknowledges that our physical sensations and emotional states are closely linked. By exploring the body, we can uncover insights into our mental health. Somatic therapists assist clients in reconnecting with their bodies. They help them become more aware of the subtle signals and messages from their physical sensations.

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Mind-Body Connection

The core of somatic therapy is the belief that our bodies hold the answers to emotional and psychological challenges. By focusing on bodily sensations, individuals can uncover the emotional meaning behind these physical experiences. This leads to a deeper understanding of their inner world.

Embodiment and Regulation

Somatic therapy places great emphasis on embodiment, being fully present in the body and aware of its sensations. This practice aids in regaining self-regulation, the ability to manage physiological and emotional responses to stress and anxiety. Through techniques like breathwork and mindfulness, somatic therapists teach clients to soothe and calm their bodies. This promotes emotional resilience and well-being.

Embracing somatic therapy's principles allows individuals to start a journey of self-discovery. They can release emotional tensions and develop a stronger mind-body connection. This can lead to significant healing and personal growth.

Somatic Therapy Techniques

Somatic therapy is a holistic approach that focuses on the deep connection between our minds and bodies. It incorporates various techniques to help individuals heal and restore balance. Key areas include body scanning and movement, as well as breathwork and touch.

Body Scanning and Movement

Body scanning is a powerful technique that guides clients to pay close attention to physical sensations throughout their body. This heightened awareness can help individuals identify areas of tension, discomfort, or pain. These may be linked to unresolved emotional or psychological issues. Therapists may then incorporate gentle movements or expressive arts to help clients process and release these physical and emotional blockages.

Breathwork and Touch

Breathwork exercises are another essential component of somatic therapy. By learning to regulate their breathing, clients can calm their nervous systems and promote relaxation. This, in turn, can facilitate emotional release and support the body's natural healing process. Some somatic therapists may also incorporate gentle touch or bodywork techniques to help clients further release physical and emotional tension.

Through the integration of these somatic therapy techniques, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of the intimate connection between their mind and body. This empowers them to navigate their healing journey with greater awareness and self-compassion.

Somatic Therapy

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Somatic therapy is a powerful method for healing from trauma, offering a path to true recovery and wholeness. It focuses on the mind-body connection, helping individuals release and integrate deep trauma. This leads to a significant decrease in PTSD symptoms.

Trauma Resolution: Regaining Control

At its core, somatic therapy acknowledges that trauma affects the body as much as the mind. Techniques like body scanning and mindful movement help clients reconnect with their physical sensations. This unlocks memories and emotions tied to past traumas. It empowers individuals to regain control and feel safe in their bodies.

Emotional Regulation: Mastering the Inner Landscape

Somatic therapy also helps manage emotions and reduce stress. It teaches clients to be aware of their body's sensations and their emotional states. Through breathwork and touch-based interventions, the nervous system is regulated. This enhances emotional control and promotes a sense of well-being.

Somatic Therapy Benefits Details
Trauma Resolution Reduced PTSD symptoms, release of stored trauma, integration of past experiences
Emotional Regulation Improved emotional management, increased bodily awareness
Sense of Control and Safety Enhanced stress reduction, cultivated resilience
Mind-Body Connection Enhanced mind-body connection, release of stored trauma

Through somatic therapy, individuals can start a transformative journey. They can work towards resolving trauma and mastering their emotions. This journey leads to a deep sense of wholeness and well-being.

Experiencing a Somatic Therapy Session

Engaging in a somatic therapy session can be a transformative experience. It allows you to reconnect with your body and explore the powerful interplay between your physical and emotional self. You'll work closely with your therapist to uncover and address past traumas stored within your body.

At the heart of a somatic therapy session is exploring your body's responses to past experiences. Your therapist will guide you through remembering certain events. They'll observe how your body reacts as you revisit these memories. This process can be deeply insightful, revealing the profound impact of physical sensations and patterns on our emotional well-being.

One of the key elements of somatic therapy is incorporating physical activities and practices. Your therapist may encourage you to engage in conscious breathwork, gentle yoga movements, or simply paying close attention to the sensations in your body. These embodied experiences allow you to reconnect with your physicality and find new ways of processing and releasing pent-up emotions.

Throughout the session, your therapist will work closely with you, offering support and gentle guidance. The goal is to create a safe and nurturing environment. Here, you can explore your experiential therapy and find new pathways for healing and growth.

When is Somatic Therapy Used?

Somatic therapy is beneficial for a wide range of mental and physical issues. It's especially effective for depression, anxiety, trauma, chronic pain, and sexual dysfunction. This approach targets the mind-body connection, offering relief from both mental and physical symptoms.

Mental Health Issues

Somatic therapy is highly effective for various mental health conditions. It helps individuals process grief, addiction, and past trauma effects. By engaging the body, it allows for emotional processing, leading to healing and self-awareness.

Physical Symptoms

Somatic therapy also addresses physical symptoms with an emotional or psychological root. This includes sexual dysfunction, digestive problems, hormonal imbalances, and chronic pain. It targets the root cause, leading to lasting relief and improved well-being.

Regardless of the issue, somatic therapy offers a holistic approach to health. It views the mind and body as interconnected systems. This integrative approach unlocks the body-mind connection, starting a transformative journey towards healing and self-discovery.

Choosing a Somatic Therapist

Elizabeth Schane, LPC

Founder of Well Roots Counseling and Somatic Therapist

When considering somatic therapy, it's crucial to seek out licensed and experienced therapists. They should have advanced training in somatic therapy techniques. Somatic therapy often complements traditional psychotherapy. Finding a practitioner skilled in both approaches can be highly beneficial.

As you explore your options, keep these key factors in mind when finding a somatic therapist:

  • Qualifications: Look for licensed somatic therapists who have completed comprehensive training programs. These should include body-centered psychotherapy, movement-based healing, or mind-body integration.

  • Experience: Prioritize therapists with a proven track record. They should have successfully delivered somatic therapy outcomes to clients.

  • Specialization: Consider therapists who specialize in areas that align with your specific needs. This could include trauma resolution, emotional regulation, or chronic pain management.

  • Rapport and Trust: It's essential to find a somatic therapist with whom you feel comfortable. You should also feel safe and able to build a strong therapeutic relationship.

By taking the time to carefully vet and select a qualified, experienced, and trustworthy somatic therapist, you can maximize the benefits. This holistic approach to healing and personal growth is invaluable.

Benefits of Somatic Therapy

Engaging in somatic therapy can unlock a myriad of benefits that go beyond just physical healing. It addresses the intricate connection between mind and body. This holistic approach can facilitate profound transformations in your overall well-being.

Improved Self-Awareness

Somatic therapy encourages you to develop a deeper understanding of your physical sensations and emotional states. Through practices like body scanning and embodied mindfulness, you can gain unprecedented insight into your inner landscape. This fosters greater self-acceptance and emotional resilience.

Enhanced Mind-Body Connection

One of the core tenets of somatic therapy is the recognition that your mental and physical experiences are inextricably linked. By tuning in to the subtle cues of your body, you can cultivate a heightened awareness of the mind-body connection. This leads to improved emotional regulation, stress reduction, and a greater sense of overall harmony.

Ultimately, the benefits of somatic therapy extend far beyond the physical realm. They empower you to unlock deeper levels of self-awareness and forge a more profound mind-body connection. Whether you're seeking emotional healing or simply a greater sense of stress reduction, this holistic approach can be a transformative tool on your journey to personal growth and well-being.

Integrating Somatic Practices

profile of woman at beach during sunset reading and feeling calm after somatic therapy to heal her trauma, what is somatic therapy, therapy in denver colorado

Embracing somatic practices extends beyond the therapist's office. By incorporating body-based techniques into your daily routine, you enhance your mind-body connection. This promotes overall well-being. These somatic practices empower you to actively participate in your healing and self-care journey.

One effective way to integrate somatic practices is through breathwork. Mindful breathing exercises help regulate emotions, reduce stress, and foster presence. Try different breathing patterns, like diaphragmatic or box breathing, to find what works best for you.

Exploring yoga is another powerful body-based technique. Yoga's gentle movements and poses help you tune into your body's sensations. As you move through various asanas, notice how your body and breath respond.

Engaging in mindfulness practices, such as body scans or guided meditations, is also beneficial. These techniques encourage inward attention, observing physical sensations, and increasing self-awareness.

The key is to find somatic practices that resonate with you. Make them a consistent part of your self-care routine. Regularly engaging in these body-based techniques deepens your self-understanding. It unlocks new paths to healing and growth.


Somatic therapy is a powerful, holistic approach to healing that highlights the deep connection between physical and emotional well-being. It addresses trauma and emotional issues through the body, leading to significant transformations in mental and physical health.

If you're looking to heal from past traumas or improve your overall well-being, somatic therapy is a unique and effective option. It combines mind-body integration and holistic approach to healing. This empowers you to take charge of your summary of somatic therapy and start a journey of self-discovery and growth.

As you delve deeper into somatic practices, you'll notice improvements in self-awareness, emotional regulation, and overall well-being. This will lead you towards a more harmonious and vibrant life. Embrace the power of somatic therapy and unlock the full potential of your mind-body connection.

Frequently Asked Questions About Somatic Therapy

What is somatic therapy?

Somatic therapy is a form of psychotherapy that links the mind and body. It focuses on emotional and psychological issues through physical sensations and bodily experiences.

How does somatic therapy work?

This therapy connects physical sensations with emotional experiences. Therapists help clients identify and explore these sensations. This process aids in reconnecting with the body and being fully present.

What techniques are used in somatic therapy?

Techniques include body scanning, movement, expressive arts, gentle touch, and breathwork. These methods aim to heal and regulate emotions.

How can somatic therapy help with trauma?

It offers a way to address and resolve deep trauma. By focusing on the body, it helps release and integrate stored trauma. This leads to a sense of wholeness and well-being.

What health issues can somatic therapy address?

It addresses mental health issues like depression and anxiety, as well as physical illnesses. This includes trauma, grief, addiction, and physical symptoms like sexual dysfunction and digestive problems.

How do I find a qualified somatic therapist?

Look for licensed, experienced therapists with advanced somatic training. It's beneficial to find someone skilled in both somatic and traditional psychotherapy.

What are the benefits of somatic therapy?

Benefits include trauma resolution, improved emotional regulation, and increased self-awareness. It strengthens the mind-body connection, leading to profound mental and physical health transformations.

How can I integrate somatic practices into my daily life?

Incorporate practices like breathwork, yoga, or mindfulness into your daily routine. This supports overall well-being and deepens self-awareness and emotional regulation.

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