Living with High Functioning Anxiety

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Did you know that over 40 million adults in the United States struggle with anxiety disorders? Yet, many appear to have it all together on the outside. This phenomenon, known as high functioning anxiety, is a hidden epidemic. It affects high-achievers who excel in their careers and personal lives while battling constant inner turmoil.

If you're one of these individuals, you're not alone in your struggle. You're fighting to manage the crippling effects of anxiety while maintaining a facade of calm and control.

Key Takeaways About Living with High Functioning Anxiety

  • High functioning anxiety is a hidden problem faced by many successful individuals.

  • These individuals often try to mask their anxiety symptoms by working harder and striving for perfection.

  • Recognizing the signs and symptoms of high functioning anxiety is the first step towards managing it.

  • Developing self-awareness, mindfulness techniques, and a strong support system can help you overcome the challenges of high functioning anxiety.

  • Seeking professional help, such as therapy or medication, can also be an effective way to address high functioning anxiety.

Well Roots Counseling is an online therapy practice that provides online therapy for individual therapy, maternal mental health and couples therapy in Colorado, Massachusetts, North Carolina, and Vermont. We specifically specialize in therapy for women, therapy for dads, anxiety symptoms, infertility, postpartum depression, trauma, and much more.

What is High Functioning Anxiety?

High-functioning anxiety is a unique anxiety type. It affects those who perform well daily, despite constant worry and stress. Unlike generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), where people may avoid anxiety, those with high-functioning anxiety face it head-on. They push themselves harder to overcome their internal anxieties.

Signs and Symptoms of High Functioning Anxiety

Those with high-functioning anxiety often show certain signs and symptoms:

  • Being a high achiever and taking on more responsibilities than others

  • Maintaining a highly organized and detail-oriented approach to tasks

  • Appearing outgoing and proactive, even when feeling anxious internally

  • Experiencing persistent feelings of worry, nervousness, or unease

  • Struggling with perfectionism and a tendency to overthink or ruminate

Causes and Risk Factors of High Functioning Anxiety

The causes and risk factors for high-functioning anxiety include:

  1. A family history of anxiety disorders or other mental health conditions

  2. Certain medical conditions that can contribute to feelings of anxiety

  3. Negative or stressful life experiences, such as trauma or significant life changes

  4. A personality trait characterized by a strong drive for achievement and a tendency towards perfectionism

Symptom Description
Excessive Worry Individuals with high-functioning anxiety often experience persistent feelings of worry and unease, even when there is no immediate threat or problem to address.
Restlessness They may feel constantly on edge, with a sense of restlessness or inability to relax, which can interfere with their ability to focus or enjoy leisure activities.
Difficulty Concentrating The persistent anxious thoughts and feelings can make it challenging for individuals with high-functioning anxiety to maintain their concentration, even on tasks they are typically able to handle with ease.

The Overachieving Mask

two successful women in suit jackets posed and smiling masking their high functioning anxiety, living with high functioning anxiety, therapy in Denver Colorado

Those with high-functioning anxiety often appear calm, confident, and successful. They hide their inner turmoil with anxiety and self-doubt. Their drive to excel at work and in personal life stems from a need for perfectionism. This overachieving is a coping mechanism, a way to hide their fear of failure or being seen as inadequate.

This mask, however, can lead to burnout and exhaustion. The relentless pursuit of proving oneself and maintaining an image of flawlessness is mentally and physically draining. Those with high-functioning anxiety may feel stuck in a cycle of imposter syndrome, doubting their abilities and fearing their success is undeserved.

Understanding this overachieving as a coping mechanism is crucial. It's not a reflection of one's true worth or abilities. By addressing the underlying anxiety through self-care, therapy, and healthy coping strategies, individuals can break free. They can find a more balanced and fulfilling life.

High Functioning Anxiety

If you're among the many dealing with high functioning anxiety, know you're not alone. This anxiety type is a real experience, even though it's not officially recognized as a mental health condition. People with high functioning anxiety can keep up a high level of productivity and success. Yet, they often hide feelings of worry, fear, and self-doubt beneath their surface.

High functioning anxiety can be hard for others to spot. You might seem fine on the outside, but the inner battle can severely affect your well-being and life quality. It's vital to acknowledge that high functioning anxiety is a complex issue that deserves attention and support.

Even if you excel in your work and personal life, the stress of maintaining this level can be draining. You might constantly worry about mistakes, have intrusive thoughts, or fear the future. These feelings can make it hard to truly enjoy your achievements and might lead to burnout.

It's crucial to recognize and tackle high functioning anxiety for your mental health and well-being. By understanding your anxiety and finding ways to manage it, you can achieve a better balance between your accomplishments and emotional needs.

Recognizing Your Symptoms

Living with high-functioning anxiety is complex and challenging. The first step is to recognize the signs and symptoms. Common indicators include persistent worry, restlessness, exhaustion, irritability, muscle tension, and sleep problems. By becoming more aware of these manifestations, you can start to understand the nature of your fear and anxiety.

Understanding the Nature of Your Fear

Individuals with high-functioning anxiety often struggle with cognitive distortions, such as catastrophizing or excessive overthinking. These negative thought patterns fuel their anxiety, leading to a heightened sense of fear and perceived lack of control. By identifying these thought processes, you can begin to challenge them and develop more constructive coping strategies.

For instance, you might worry excessively about an upcoming presentation at work, imagining the worst-case scenarios and feeling overwhelmed. This excessive overthinking can amplify your anxiety, making it hard to focus. By recognizing this pattern and actively reframing your thoughts, you can approach the situation with a more balanced and realistic mindset.

woman sitting at table with tea struggling with over thinking due to high functioning anxiety, living with high functioning anxiety, therapy in Colorado

Similarly, cognitive distortions like catastrophizing, or assuming the worst possible outcome, contribute to high-functioning anxiety. Recognizing these thought patterns and challenging them with evidence-based reasoning can help you understand your anxiety symptoms better. This understanding can lead to more effective coping mechanisms.

Reconnecting with Your Body

High-functioning anxiety is more than just mental; it shows up physically too. People with this anxiety often feel out of touch with their bodies, stuck in their thoughts. Yet, reconnecting with your body can break the anxiety cycle and help manage symptoms.

Deep breathing exercises are a good start. Slow, deep breaths activate the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting calm. This can ease the physical symptoms of anxiety in both body and mind.

Stretching and gentle exercise also help. They encourage you to feel your body's sensations, fostering a mind-body connection. As you move, notice your muscles, breath, and body's response. This awareness grounds you and helps you regain control.

Mindfulness practices, like meditation or body scans, strengthen this connection further. They focus on the present and your body's sensations. This can stop anxious thoughts and enhance self-care for your well-being.

High-functioning anxiety is complex, needing a varied approach. By reconnecting with your body through different methods, you can manage its physical and emotional sides. This leads to a more balanced and controlled life.

Developing a Mantra

Crafting a personal mantra or series of affirmations can be a powerful tool for individuals dealing with high-functioning anxiety. These positive, self-affirming statements can help counter the negative, critical inner voice that often accompanies this type of anxiety.

Mantras like "I am doing my best," "Who I am right now is good enough," and "I deserve to take care of myself" can empower you to practice self-compassion and challenge the perfectionist tendencies that drive your anxiety. Regularly using these mantras can help shift your mindset from one of constant fear and doubt to one of self-acceptance and resilience.

Developing a mantra is an effective anxiety management technique that can promote positive self-talk and foster a greater sense of self-worth. Take the time to reflect on what empowering words or phrases resonate with you, and make a conscious effort to incorporate them into your daily routine.

  1. Identify your personal values and strengths.

  2. Craft a mantra that aligns with and reinforces these positive qualities.

  3. Practice reciting your mantra regularly, either aloud or silently.

  4. Use your mantra as a tool to refocus your thoughts when anxiety starts to creep in.

Mantra Meaning
"I am doing my best." Acknowledges the effort you're putting forth and encourages self-acceptance.
"Who I am right now is good enough." Reinforces the idea of self-compassion and challenges perfectionistic tendencies.
"I deserve to take care of myself." Empowers you to prioritize your own well-being and practice self-care.

By incorporating a personal mantra into your daily routine, you can take a powerful step towards managing your high-functioning anxiety and cultivating a more positive, self-compassionate mindset.

Learning to Intervene

woman meditating in forest about setting boundaries to overcome her high functioning anxiety, living with high functioning anxiety, therapist in Denver Colorado

High-functioning anxiety demands the mastery of effective intervention methods. A key skill is learning to exit the anxiety cycle before it worsens. This might mean setting limits, like stepping away from tasks that trigger excessive worry. Utilizing tools like timers can also aid in breaking the cycle.

Setting boundaries is just the start. It's also crucial to manage your workload and schedule self-care activities to prevent anxiety from escalating. Engaging in calming hobbies, practicing mindfulness, or taking regular breaks can help regulate your emotions and interrupt the cycle of anxiety.

Stepping Out of the Anxiety Cycle

When high-functioning anxiety symptoms start to appear, having a plan is essential. This plan should include:

  • Identifying triggers and setting boundaries to avoid them

  • Using a timer to limit time on tasks causing excessive worry

  • Scheduling regular breaks and self-care activities to prevent burnout

  • Practicing emotion regulation techniques, such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation

  • Implementing coping strategies like journaling or talking to a trusted friend

By developing a set of anxiety intervention techniques, you can regain control. This prevents high-functioning anxiety symptoms from disrupting your daily life.

Creating a Support System

Living with high-functioning anxiety often means hiding one's struggles. This fear of appearing weak can be overwhelming. Yet, creating a support system of trusted individuals can be transformative. By sharing your experiences, you can break the cycle of isolation and find empathy and guidance.

This openness fosters vulnerability and self-acceptance. These are key to managing anxiety in a healthy manner. It's a crucial step towards better mental health.

Sharing your struggles with loved ones is a daunting task. Yet, it's vital for your mental well-being. Here are some tips for building a supportive network:

  • Identify trustworthy individuals in your life who you feel comfortable confiding in.

  • Explain your experience with high-functioning anxiety, emphasizing the challenges you face and the support you need.

  • Encourage your support system to listen without judgment and provide a safe, non-critical space for you to express your emotions.

  • Utilize mental health resources in your community, such as support groups or therapists, to supplement your personal support network.

  • Regularly check in with your support system and be open to receiving their feedback and suggestions.

Headshot of Elizabeth Schane therapist at well roots counseling in Denver Colorado, living with high functioning anxiety, online therapist in Denver colorado

Elizabeth Schane, LPC

Founder of Well Roots Counseling

Building a robust social support network empowers you to manage high-functioning anxiety. Your loved ones can offer understanding, encouragement, and practical help. They are essential in your journey towards mental health.

Treatment Options

If you're living with high-functioning anxiety, there are several effective treatment approaches you can explore. This condition, though not formally recognized, can be managed. You can use a combination of therapy, lifestyle changes, and medication tailored to your individual needs.


Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is particularly helpful for individuals with high-functioning anxiety. It focuses on identifying and challenging negative thought patterns. These are replaced with more constructive ways of thinking. Solutions-focused brief therapy (SFBT) is also effective, as it builds upon your existing coping skills. It helps you develop new strategies to manage your anxiety.

Lifestyle Changes

Healthy lifestyle habits can significantly impact managing high-functioning anxiety. Regular exercise, a consistent sleep schedule, and mindfulness practices can reduce symptoms. Engaging in stress-reducing activities, such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises, can also be beneficial.


In more severe cases, medication like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) may be prescribed. They help address underlying neurochemical imbalances contributing to your anxiety. Working closely with a mental health professional is crucial for developing a comprehensive treatment plan.

The most effective approach to managing high-functioning anxiety often involves a combination of these treatment options. By working with a therapist or other qualified healthcare provider, you can develop a personalized plan. This plan will help you gain control over your anxiety and improve your overall well-being.


High-functioning anxiety is a complex and often misunderstood condition. It affects individuals who excel outwardly but struggle with persistent worry, fear, and self-doubt. Recognizing the signs and symptoms is crucial. This understanding empowers those affected to manage their symptoms and thrive in their personal and professional lives.

With the right support and treatment options, finding a healthy balance is possible. Self-care practices, therapy, and lifestyle changes can help. Developing a mantra and building a strong support system are also effective strategies. These can help you regain control and maintain your well-being.

Remember, you are not alone in this journey. Prioritizing your mental health and using available tools and resources can help. You can navigate the complexities of high-functioning anxiety and emerge stronger. With the right mindset and support, you can unlock your full potential and live a life that aligns with your values and aspirations.

Frequently Asked Questions About High Functioning Anxiety

What is high-functioning anxiety?

High-functioning anxiety is a state where individuals feel constant worry but still manage their daily tasks. Unlike those with generalized anxiety disorder, who might avoid anxiety triggers, high-functioning anxiety folks tend to face their fears head-on. They push themselves to overcome anxiety, often by working harder.

What are the signs and symptoms of high-functioning anxiety?

Signs include being a high achiever, organized, and proactive, despite feeling anxious. Causes might include family history, medical conditions, stressful life events, and perfectionism. These traits can lead to overthinking and anxiety.

How does the "overachieving mask" affect individuals with high-functioning anxiety?

People with high-functioning anxiety often appear calm and successful, hiding their anxiety and self-doubt. They strive for perfection, using their achievements to cope with anxiety. However, this can lead to burnout and imbalance in their lives.

How is high-functioning anxiety different from other anxiety disorders?

Unlike traditional anxiety disorders, high-functioning anxiety allows individuals to maintain productivity despite persistent worry. This makes it hard for others to see the anxiety, as they appear to be coping well. Yet, the anxiety can severely impact their well-being.

How can individuals with high-functioning anxiety recognize and manage their symptoms?

Recognizing symptoms like worry, restlessness, and sleep issues is the first step. Understanding the fear driving these behaviors is crucial. By identifying these patterns, individuals can start to challenge negative thoughts and find better coping strategies.

How can reconnecting with the body help manage high-functioning anxiety?

Practices like deep breathing, stretching, and mindfulness can interrupt the anxiety cycle. By focusing on physical sensations and the present moment, individuals can regain balance and control.

How can developing a personal mantra or set of affirmations help with high-functioning anxiety?

Personal mantras can counteract the negative inner voice common in high-functioning anxiety. Regular use can shift the mindset from fear to self-acceptance and resilience.

What strategies can individuals use to intervene when high-functioning anxiety symptoms start to arise?

Learning to intervene early is key. This might mean setting boundaries, using timers, or scheduling self-care. These strategies can prevent anxiety from spiraling out of control.

How can creating a support system help individuals with high-functioning anxiety?

Building a support network can be challenging due to the fear of appearing weak. However, trusted friends and family can offer empathy and guidance. This can greatly reduce feelings of isolation.

What are the treatment options for high-functioning anxiety?

While not formally recognized, high-functioning anxiety symptoms can be treated like other anxiety disorders. Cognitive-behavioral therapy and solutions-focused brief therapy are effective. Lifestyle changes and, in severe cases, medication like SSRIs, can also help manage symptoms.

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